Bureaucracy Lullaby

The slow roll by our legislature and the minutiae studied by so many committees will never stop gun violence. Cut the crap. LEAVE LAW ABIDING GUN OWNERS ALONE. Make the use of a firearm in the commission of a violent crime a federal felony. Let the first offense result in a frightening sentence.

My preferred sentence would include 20 years in prison and mandatory castration or neutering as the case may be.

Take care, be well

We don’t need more gun laws

Gun legislation has become a pathetic political football kicked around this way and that with no common sense being applied to the issue.

It’s really quite simple. If a firearm is used in the commission of a crime put the criminal in jail, for a long, long time.

Set the potheads free and make room for the real violent criminals, and then put them in jail for a long, long time.

The vast majority of gun owners are responsible. It’s only the miniscule minority that picks up a gun and uses it in the commission of a crime. Those few should be treated harshly. That’s all there is to it. Leave the gun owners alone, put the violators away. Increase the sentence, not the number of laws.

Quit playing games with gun laws.